Tips For Disciplining your Child in a Positive Way

The idea of discipline is different for each person. For some, it can be synonymous to punishment while others think it is setting things right, or correcting one’s mistakes. However, everyone should learn that discipline is another form of teaching; and with that, your little ones should learn from you instead of developing fears. Fortunately,[…]

Unique Gifts for your Children’s Easter Baskets

There are only a few nights left before Easter and whether you plan to celebrate the occasion for religious reasons or not, it’s still an opportunity to bond with the family. Whether your children are just starting to know the meaning of Easter, or they are already on their teenage years, celebrating Easter Sunday is[…]

Celebrating Easter with your family and friends:

Spring is already here and that means Easter Sunday is just around the corner. That being said, it’s best to plan activities for the family for the upcoming celebration. Whether you plan to make crafts or bake treats, you can still make this a fun and unforgettable day. Even if you’re a small family and[…]

How Children to Adapt to Change is Important

While change can be a good thing, children also need to take time to process all the information that they face since change can be stressful for them. Children like knowing that things remain the same when they arrive home from school, during their bedtime, when they wake up in the morning, and more. Things[…]

Host a Budget-Friendly Birthday Party for your Children

As a parent, making your child’s birthday fun and unforgettable is definitely one of your goals.  However, throwing a lavish party may not always fit everyone’s budget. Around 30% of parents who were surveyed spend more than 300 dollars on their children’s birthday party and presents. For parents who have more than one child, these[…]